Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Deferred renderer

Language: C++
APIs: DirectX 11, Win32


- Phong lighting
- Texture rendering
- Forward rendering
- Dynamic lighting calculations

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3zYelGMcDA
Ray tracer

Languages: C++
Libraries: SFML, Boost


- Hard shadows, soft shadows (Monte Carlo ray tracing)
- Anti-aliasing SSAA
- Procedural chequered texturing
- Reflection / Refraction
- Point, directional and area lights
- Phong / Blinn-Phong lighting models
- UI to adjust the settings in real-time or per frame basis
- Multithreaded implementation

Rendering framework 

Languages: C++, GLSL
Libraries: GLEW, GLFW 


-          Phong lighting, supporting directional and point lights
-          .obj model loader and texture rendering
-          Normal mapping
-          Parallax mapping
-          HDR and tone mapping

Displacement scale 0.1
Exposure 0.1
HDR on
Gamma 2.2

Displacement scale 0.05
Exposure 0.1
HDR on
Gamma 2.2
Displacement scale 0.05
Exposure 0.2
HDR on
Gamma 2.2
Displacement scale 0.1
Exposure 0.1
HDR off
Gamma 2.2
Displacement scale 0.1
Exposure 0.1
HDR on
Gamma 10.0
Displacement scale 0.1
Exposure 0.8
HDR on
Gamma 2.2
Displacement scale 0.2
Exposure 0.1
HDR on
Gamma 2.2
Real-time interaction of fluids with deformable surfaces

Language: C++
Libraries: SFML, Boost
Undergraduate dissertation


This application represents a fully unified particle based framework for simulating real-time interactions between fluids and soft-bodies. The implementation is based on position based dynamics and incorporates two constraints for simulating the phenomena mentioned above: density constraint to satisfy the incompressibility for the fluid simulation and shape matching constraint to simulate large deformations. The two simulations present a full two-way coupling method which is based on the recent research in the area of physically based animation. The focus of the implementation is on speed and stability, the intended use of the framework being real-time simulations.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D94Ul6HmPU

Language: C++
Tools: Unreal 4, Oculus Rift
Team Project: 6 artists and 5 programmers


Cerberus Novem is a two player, horror survival game based on the backseat player concept. One player plays from a first person perspective and is responsible to get to the A.I. room to retrieve the A.I. of the space station. To enhance the experience and help implementing the backseat player concept, the player will use the Oculus Rift and will be guided through the space station by the backseat player.
The backseat player plays the role of the space station’s A.I. and is presented with a top-down perspective, this allowing him to build a short term strategy for helping the oculus player to avoid the space station treats and navigate to the A.I. room.
To add depth and replayability, there are two unpredictable elements (the random blockades and the invisible A.I.s) and a treat in form of radiation which constantly goes up and increases its rate depending on how close the A.I. characters are to the main player. 


-  Core gameplay mechanics – CCTV camera system, sliding doors, random path generation (random blockade positioning)
-  Material creation – fog of war to hide the contents of the rooms
-  UI – dynamically scaled icons for the top-down perspective based on the horizontal distance to the camera
-  Configuration files – custom dictionary loaded at runtime and accessible from anywhere within the game

Video preview: Cerberus Novem